He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 15, 2014

What Would Jesus Do?

We’ve all seen the bracelets that have WWJD on them.  They’ve been around for quite a while now and I think, honestly, they serve a good purpose.  I’ve been reading “In His Steps” by Charles Monroe Sheldon and the story asks the question, “What would Jesus Do?  But it really asks more than that. 

The story is about a minister who challenges his church members to ask the question,  “What would Jesus Do?”  —and then, base their response to that question, for an entire year regardless of personal ramifications, on what they think Jesus would do if He were facing the same issue, right now.  

The situations involve a wealthy newspaper publisher who takes a critical eye at his newspaper advertising and even Sunday delivery.  The ramifications to his business seem obvious.  When advertising is altered or deleted based on “what would Jesus do?” he is going to lose money since it included ads to the local saloon, cigarette use, etc.  The same holds true with Sunday delivery.  Subscribers count on it.  It will again, likely, cost him revenue since the immediate response is upset subscribers.

Another member who took the challenge faced a dilemma of knowing how to deal with information he inadvertently discovered which would damage the business he works for, should he expose them. An heiress must decide how she will handle her millions while another woman must determine if a career in music is where she should be.  My point is we all have individual issues every single day where we make choices.  How do you decide what is right and wrong?  More than that, given our social media and status, the amount of information any given person has access to, and the blurred lines in society, do we honestly ask ourselves, “If Jesus were here this very minute and faced this very issue (no matter how trivial), how would HE respond?” 

If a you or I seriously committed to a full year of this process; hitting our knees and searching our hearts before making a decision about anything, would our lives be different?  Further, if the commitment is to choose only what Jesus would do regardless of the ramifications to each of us personally, would our choices be different?

I had an experience recently where I had to ask myself, “What would Jesus do?” and I had to make a choice.  It might not have been my choice several months ago, or it might have.  But I had to seriously ask the question rather than just toss the thought around for a few seconds; and then I had to make a decision.  My “off the cuff” answer, in any case, wouldn’t have been illegal, immoral or wrong in any sense of the secular way.  But if Jesus was faced with the same decision, how would he have responded?  Asking this question and then following through regardless of the ramifications to ourselves or our professional life, can be difficult.

I challenge you this week to face every single decision with the question, “If Jesus were physically here and faced with this decision, this moment, what would He do?”  Can you follow through?  Are you willing to commit to responding the way you honestly believe Christ would respond?  Pray about your situation and decisions every single moment.  Ask for God’s guidance, search your heart and then make a decision.

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