He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 12, 2016

He Knows My Needs

        Our world is changing in disastrous ways every day.  Statistics are claiming that only about 70% of Americans claim to be Christian. Of the 30% remaining nearly 16% don’t believe in anything in particular, 4% are agnostic and just a bit over 3% are atheist.1
It strikes me as nothing less than amazing that if only 3% of our population is considered atheist, how it is “our world” has given those who choose to not believe in my God, the right to constrict and restrict how or where I worship, or who I choose to share my testimony with (schools, some workplaces, government buildings, etc.)!
But even as Christians or believers there are some definite differences worth noting.  I have some dear friends who don’t believe in the Trinity.  They believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, but don’t believe the Holy Spirit should be included.  The Bible shows us in several passages, however, that the Spirit is indeed part of the God-Head. 
            In 1 Corinthians 2:11the Spirit is showing intellect.  It clearly reveals that the Spirit can think, by showing us He knows what God is thinking.  Romans 15:30 describes the Spirit having the emotion of love. 1 Corinthians 12:11 describes the Spirit as having a will.  It is He who determines what spiritual gifts you will be given.  In Matthew we are told to be “baptized in the Spirit” and John 14:26 describes him as the Counselor.  These attributes are human.  Why then should we not consider that God’s Spirit is indeed part of the God-Head?
            Scripture tells us the Spirit will reveal to us what God has prepared for us.  What a deal!  God is the Almighty Father and sits on his throne. Jesus was among us in human form and then joined his Father.  Still, we are not alone.  God, knowing the frailties of mankind knew we would need someone with us at all times for guidance, comfort, teaching, wisdom and more.  He sent us his Spirit.  He sent One that could be within us always in whatever situation we find ourselves in, whenever we reach out to Him. 
            Our relationship with The Father is dependent on interaction with Him.  We must stop and take the time to read His Living Word and listen to what He is telling us.  In this sweet time of quiet communion we are better able to stay focused on His voice and thus His instruction in whatever form it takes.
            God already knows where we are in our lives, what we are doing, how we are living, who we know or need to know and certainly what it is we need.  But it is in sharing our hearts and desires with Him, our hearts will be filled.  God is a God who wants relationship.  He wanted that from the time he created Adam.  The Bible tells us he “communed” with Adam every single day.  Adam knew him and waited for the time God would walk through his garden to spend time with him.
           After Jesus was resurrected, God sent the Holy Spirit to live within us.  It is He who leads and counsels, even as God himself.  So I challenge you to reflect on your feelings about the Holy Spirit as part of the God-Head.  Do you know Him?  Do you have interaction and communion with Him?


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