He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Treasure


       The English language can create all kinds of confusion, given how words can have several different definitions, have words that spell the same but sound different, or can even be spelled different and sound the same!  For someone just learning the language, it can be challenging.  One example of this is the word “treasure.”  It’s a word that can be a noun—“a person, place or thing” or a verb, “an action word.” 

A treasure, as a noun, can be anything any person considers valuable.  It’s often a gift given which may or may not have much monetary value, but have great sentimental value.  It could be a gift given by a small child that demonstrates their heart for the recipient.  Or it could be a gift of an heirloom, passed down through several generations that cannot be replaced.  An “heirloom” again, may or may not be valuable to anyone except the possessor.  It’s connected to memories.  Yet, a treasure can have a monetary significance and considered valuable in those terms, as well.

When the Christ Child was born, the Angels proclaimed the “Treasure” the Shepherds would find in Bethlehem.  They were so excited, they left their flocks and said, “Let’s go see this thing!”  Not only were the Shepherds interested and excited about this “Treasure” but also the Wise Men.  The three Wise Men followed the star to where the Little One laid, and offered their own “treasures” – gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  

As a verb, to treasure is to hold something of importance close.   Mary actively “treasured” these things in her heart.  The Apostle Paul “treasured” his walk with Christ and said nothing else mattered except his relationship with Christ.  He even said he would not allow anything else to master him because he wanted Jesus to be first in his life.  (See 1 Corinthians 6:12)

Christmas is the season we seem to focus on “treasures,” usually in the noun form.  It’s all about the treasure we find hidden beneath the pretty paper, bows and ribbons under the tree.  There is often intense secrecy as we shop and wrap so the recipient will not be able discern their “treasure” until Christmas Day.  

With all the fanfare of shopping, baking, decorating, gatherings and other social events, we get caught in during this season, does it ever occur to you the “Greatest Treasure” ever given is placed on a shelf until we have more time to focus on Him?  Does it beg the question what do we treasure “today?”  

Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas!  He is our most valuable “treasure.”  He is the Savior, a gift given by Heaven, who would become the ultimate sacrifice.  We have the unique ability as Believers to have a relationship with a Living God.  

As the holiday creeps to its climax on Christmas Day, I encourage you to pause, reflect and remember to let the “Treasure of Christ Jesus” be evident in your choices.  As you praise Him as Savior moment by moment, and day by day we provide a means for God’s glory to be displayed.  This will make our Christmas Treasure in Christ even more personal.

Photo Credit: free christmas pics 

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